The Les Nichol Award

Julian Hughes 2011 Len Threadgold 2012 Graham Worton 2013


2023 to Christina Jackson of Jacobs

2021 to Gurmel Ghataora of the University of Birmingham

2020 to Adrian Collings of Arup

2013 to Graham Worton of Dudley Council & Museum

2012 to Len Threadgold of Geotechnics

2011 to Julian Hughes of GIP

General Information

The Les Nichol Award is presented by the Midland Geotechnical Society to a Society member who, in the opinion of their peers and the Committee, has demonstrated an exemplary commitment to the profession of Ground Engineering, including geotechnical, geological and geoenvironmental perspectives. In particular, the following criteria that epitomise the values that Les represented and looked for in others will be considered:

• The ability to provide sound engineering judgements

• The willingness to embrace new ideas and new techniques

• An unquenchable enthusiasm for the subject of ground engineering

The Les Nichol Award is neither a graduate award nor is it a lifetime achievement award. It is the intention of the Committee that the award is given to a Society member who has provided a significant contribution at any level or age.

The prize is awarded at the discretion of the Committee, and may be presented annually at the AGM in May. However, the Committee may also decide that in certain years there will be no award, even if there are nominations.

Sponsorship Procedure

The nominee should be proposed by two peers. The nominee and primary sponsor must be MGS members. It is preferable that the primary sponsor will have detailed knowledge of the individual either as a colleague, client or contractor in the role for which the nomination has been made.

Please complete the form below, providing additional sheets if required. By nominating the individual the primary sponsor is also agreeing to be informally interviewed by the Committee if required.

The form is intended to provide the sponsors with a blank canvas to provide supporting information. Additional information may be provided if necessary.

Nominations should be emailed to the Secretary prior to the committee meeting held on the 1st Monday in April. The Secretary’s e-mail address can be found on the committee page.

Click here for nomination form